
NOTE: This article is an archived copy for portfolio purposes only, and may refer to obsolete products or technologies. Old articles are not maintained for continued relevance and accuracy.
December 15, 1997

The Best (and Worst) of 1997

By all measures, 1997 was a very good year for the computer networking industry. New and exciting technologies gave birth to strong products, which in turn helped many a bottom line. This says nothing about the benefits these products passed on to the network managers who actually bought them and did the hard part: proving that the products offered some sort of use beyond grist for the marketing mills. Indeed, there were many winners this year.

There were also a fair number of loser technologies, products, and companies, as well as the as-yet-to-be-decided contenders who offer strong possibilities, but which have failed to execute in one way or another.

The Winners

The Losers


These recommendations are a result of my own usage and observations. Some of these products are going to be totally meaningless in your environments, and rightly so. Likewise, many of the coolest products are going to be those that I haven't seen.

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Portions copyright © 1997 InfoWorld Media Group, Inc. Used with permission.