Weapon Classes

UO's current weapon classification hierarchy is unbalanced and rigid. There needs to be more diversity and flexibility. In particular, I propose broadening the number of weapon classes, reclassifying some of the existing weapons, and adding some additional attributes.

The new weapon classes I would like to see are as follows:

The existing classes would be winnowed down a little bit, but can be added to again. They would look like:

Apart from simply restructuring the weapons classes, I would also like to see some weapons become dual-use, so that they could be used by multiple combat skills. For example, instead of a ware axe simply saying "skill required: Axes", it would have a second "skill required" attribute for "maces" that allowed it to be used by either a macer or an axer. Similiarly, a hatchet might be useful as a throwing weapon and an axe simultaneously.

Also see the proposal to make resource-gathering more effective in combat through additional changes to the weapons classification system.